10% Student Discount
- Micro bonding extensions half head (hair included) from £140
- Micro bonding full head (hair included)from £240
- Weave-in European extensions rows from £15
- Weave in Afro/Mixed race from £60
- Dread locks full head from £80
- Braids or twists with extensions (excluding hair) from £90
- Own hair plaitsfrom £40
- Corn row own hairfrom £30
- Corn row with patternsfrom £35
- Corn row with extensions from £45
- Pick & drop braidsfrom £80
- West African braids - Ghana / Nigeria braidsfrom £50
- Removing extensionsfrom £20
- Kinki dread plaitsfrom £50
New PerfecTress Transformation Extensions by consultation
- Brazilian Keratin straighteningfrom £60
- Curly perm full headfrom £40
- Relaxer (with client's kit)from £30
- Relaxer (with salon kit)from £40
- Relaxer (Affirm products)from £50
- European permfrom £35
- Full head tintingfrom £40
- Re-growth tinting / re-touch tinting includes set or blow dryfrom £40
- Highlights / lowlightsfrom £45
- Semi-permanent colours short hairfrom £30
- Semi-permanent colours long or thick hairfrom £40
- Ladies shampoo and cutfrom £17
- Dry cutfrom £14
Virgin and Long Hair by consultation
- Shampoo, cut & stylefrom £25
- Shampoo, cut & style with tongingfrom £30
- Shampoo and setfrom £15
- Shampoo, set and blow dryfrom £20
- Steam conditioning treatment / style hair - permed hair £25 - £15
- Shampoo / blow dryfrom £15
- Shampoo, dry and comb-out hair extensionsfrom £15
- Shampoo, blow dry & tongfrom £20
- Wedding hair 'do' (£30 paid on trial day)from £60
- Prices are only a guide-
- Gent's hair cut - dry cut from £8 - £10
- Shampoo and cut (under 7 girls)£10
- Shampoo, cut and blow dry (under 7 girls)£12
- Hair cut (boys under 8)£6
- Gents gel twists from £25